5 reasons why you need to be more aware in daily life, so that you can step back from provoking situations/ people.
5 reasons why you need to be more aware in daily life, so that you can step back from provoking situations/ people.

Lest start by stating what the five reasons are:

1. Control the way you feel
2. To have the relationships you desire e.g loving relationship with your partner
3. Achieve your goals
4. Feel energised
5. Distraction will disappear

I was in a relationship where the person was always sarcastic when trying to make her point. At first I was tolerant of this, as most of us are when it's at the start of the relationship. But then one day my patience run out and instead of making my point I lashed out (verbally) with words, which should not be said in front of a lady. I will never forget that day, as I regretted the way I behaved. But when I fast forward to the present day, whether it be my partner, colleague, friend or a family member, I'm able to control the way I react as I can now move my awareness to that part of my mind that is calm and reasonable. Learn to Control Anger